Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 Free Download (Direct Link)

By Eva Williams 17 days ago, Photoshop Tips

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Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0
By Adobe Systems * from $22.99 * ★★★★★ (5/5) * Last updated on September, 2015


Warning! Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 is an outdated version of the program that was released in 2015. The functionality isn't updated or supported at the moment. I strongly recommend using the latest software version from the official site.

Full Specifications

Reviews: 439K
License: From $22.99
Downloads: 573K
Version: CS2 9.0
Compatible: Windows

System Requirements:

System Requirement Specification

Operating System

Windows 2000/XP


Intel Pentium III or 4, or compatible


320 MB RAM (512 MB recommended)

Hard Disk Space

650 MB of available hard drive space

Graphics Card

16-bit color, 1024x768 resolution

Internet Connection

Needed for software activation

Optical Drive

CD-ROM drive


QuickTime 6.5 needed for using multimedia functionality

As a former street photographer who likes to enhance my photos myself, I used to rely on Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 to perform color correction, fix exposure, and get rid of visual flaws for years. This photo editing software is equipped with an expansive toolset, a long list of supported formats, and convenient integration with other Adobe products.

It also had a very customizable UI and fully high-resolution displays support at that time. You could easily customize your workplace that was impossible in any software, hence the ability to travel around based on your most needed requirements.

Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 Versions:

Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 for Windows (2024 Latest Version)

File name:

photoshop_cs2_9_0_latest.exe ( download)

File size:


Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 for Windows with Free Trial

File name:

photoshop_ cs2_9_0.exe ( download)

File size:


Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 for Windows (2023)

File name:

photoshop_ cs2_9_0_.exe ( download)

File size:


Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 for Windows (2022)

File name:

photoshop_ cs2_9_0_win.exe ( download)

File size:


Key Features:

  • Exposure and contrast settings
  • Flaw deletion
  • Customizable UI
  • Easy learning curve
adobe photoshop cs2 9 0 interface

Cutting-edge photo editing features

Having followed the Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 free download link, attempting this kind of software for the first time in 2015, I was positively amazed right from the very start by the offered layer functionality, cloning feature that were changing the whole portrait retouching world, and vanishing point function. All these features really assisted me in perfecting the colors in my clients’ photos, removing blemishes from faces quire naturally for 2000s, and designing beautiful compositions with utmost accuracy.

Seamless canvas rotation

The ability to rotate pictures in the viewport without creating distortions allowed me to examine my photos from several angles to make any necessary changes. I can easily locate any flaws and ensure the final image looks professional and beautiful.

Additionally, I found a bunch of Photoshop tutorials on YouTube that allowed me to improve my editing skills while learning the software’s toolset.

Enhanced photo-warping tools

Now, with such sophisticated tools, perspective distortions are not a problem anymore. No matter I deal with architectural distortions or cutting pieces up in a composite photo, the image composition is under my 100% control with the power of warping. It’s a perfect tool for landscape or urban pics.

Supports 32-bit HDR photos

This feature lets me combine several images with different exposures into a single photo that has an immense amount of detail and color depth. As a photographer who likes to create photos with a wide dynamic range, the availability of HDR support was a game-changer for me.

Not available on MacOS

I recently learned firsthand that the newest version of MacOS isn’t compatible with Photoshop CS2 anymore. That’s a bit disappointing since I’ll have to find a different image editing solution for my Mac now.

Doesn’t support external monitors

I’d like to use an external monitor to enjoy superior color accuracy and more screen space when enhancing my images, but this software doesn’t allow me to do that, making it impossible for me to view my photos in the highest available resolution.

Impressive Features of the Software's Latest Version:

AI-powered features. Generative Fill, Generative Expand, Content-Aware Fill, and Object Selection automate tasks and reduce manual editing time. Meanwhile, AI-powered Sky Replacement and Remove Background tools simplify the process of changing the backgrounds in your photos.

Neural Filters. Filters in this AI photo editor enable users to apply complex effects and adjustments in just a few clicks.

Live Gaussian Blur. This feature provides real-time visualization of the blur effect, providing more precise control over the amount of applied blur.

Advanced Clone Stamp tool. Retouching tools have been updated with a more advanced mode for the Clone Stamp Tool, allowing you to blend and erase pixels instead of simply replacing them.

User-friendly and for averyone: UI now looks way more visually appealing and intuitive than it has in all previous releases and old versions. You can even customize the workspace to all photo genres of whatever suits your specific workflow and then bask in that digital environment. The minimalist menu and modern layout help supply UI that looks clean and facilitates unleashing your full creative power.

Collaboration and cloud integration. Adobe, in trying to do better in such collaborative functionality with projects that involve large-scale graphic design, recognized it as necessary to offer. And today, working with Photoshop is easy since you have the ability to collaborate with fellow users at any location, at that particular time, with real-time and excellent cloud integration options with all installed plugins at everyone’s working place. Cloud storage provides instant access to shared files, supporting a remote-friendly image editing space.


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  • • Where can I download Photoshop CS2 9.0?

Only the new Photoshop version is available on the official Adobe website. We do not recommend looking for free Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 download links on third-party sites, because they may be infected with viruses. Instead, consider getting the trial version of Photoshop from the official site.

  • • Is Photoshop CS2 still compatible with modern operational systems?

Even though Photoshop CS2 was developed for older Windows editions, you can still install and use it on the latest versions of Windows and Mac.

  • • What are the system requirements for Photoshop CS2?

The program is designed to run efficiently on Windows and Mac computers with up to 320MB of RAM and 750MB of available hard drive space, ensuring smooth performance.

  • • What are the key features and improvements in Photoshop CS2 9.0?

An improved Spot Healing Brush that appeared first in this version allows easy removal of skin and background blemishes, as well as red-eye effects, which are typical in most photographs with a flash. It introduced Smart Objects that allow scaling and transforming of vectors and images without losing quality.

  • • Is Photoshop CS2 9.0 compatible with newer image formats?

Even though this version of Photoshop might be incompatible with some of the formats created after its release, it still offers full support for all the most popular image types, including JPG, PNG, TIFF, and many others. If you’d like to open an unsupported file, you’ll have to convert it to a different format first.


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